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실험실:도서_목록 [2022/10/31 17:07] – [고전역학] admin실험실:도서_목록 [2023/10/25 12:27] – [통계물리학] admin
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 ^제목^판^저자^출판 연도^출판사^비고^ ^제목^판^저자^출판 연도^출판사^비고^
-|책임의 원칙:기술 시대의 생태학적 윤리|1|Hans, J. (이진우 옮김)|1994|서광사|| +|책임의 원칙:기술 시대의 생태학적 윤리|1|한스 요나스 (이진우 옮김)|1994|서광사|| 
-|The Imperative of Responsibility|1|HansJ.|2007|Chicago University Press||+|The Imperative of Responsibility|1|JonasH.|2007|Chicago University Press||
 |면역에 관하여|1|율라 비스 (김명남 옮김)|2016|열린책들|| |면역에 관하여|1|율라 비스 (김명남 옮김)|2016|열린책들||
 |도덕의 기원|1|마이클 토마셀로 (유강은 옮김)|2018|이데아|| |도덕의 기원|1|마이클 토마셀로 (유강은 옮김)|2018|이데아||
-|Social Perception and Social Reality|1|Lee J.|2012|Oxford University Press|| 
 |도덕에 관하여|3, revised|데이비드 흄 (이준호 옮김)|2008|서광사|| |도덕에 관하여|3, revised|데이비드 흄 (이준호 옮김)|2008|서광사||
-|Convention: A Philosophical Study|reprint|Lewis, David|2002|Blackwell Publishing||+|Convention: A Philosophical Study|reprint|Lewis, D.|2002|Blackwell Publishing||
 |부정변증법|1|테오도르 아도르노 (홍승용 옮김)|1999|한길사|| |부정변증법|1|테오도르 아도르노 (홍승용 옮김)|1999|한길사||
 |부정변증법 강의|1|테오도르 아도르노 (이순예 옮김)|2012|세창출판사|| |부정변증법 강의|1|테오도르 아도르노 (이순예 옮김)|2012|세창출판사||
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 |기계 학습을 다시 묻다|1|레슬리 밸리언트 (이광근 옮김)|2021|인사이트|| |기계 학습을 다시 묻다|1|레슬리 밸리언트 (이광근 옮김)|2021|인사이트||
 |알고리즘, 인생을 계산하다|1|브라이언 크리스천, 톰 그리피스 (이한음 옮김)|2018|청림출판|| |알고리즘, 인생을 계산하다|1|브라이언 크리스천, 톰 그리피스 (이한음 옮김)|2018|청림출판||
-|Polarized: Making Sense of a Divided America|1|James, E. and Campbell|2018|Princeton University Press|| +|Polarized: Making Sense of a Divided America|1|CampbellJ. E.|2018|Princeton University Press|| 
-|Polarization: What Everyone Needs to Know®|1|McCarty, Nolan|2019|Oxford University Press||+|Polarization: What Everyone Needs to Know®|1|McCarty, N.|2019|Oxford University Press||
 |Differential Games|1|Rufus, I.|1999|DoverPublications|| |Differential Games|1|Rufus, I.|1999|DoverPublications||
-|Fundamentals of Statistical and Thermal Physics|1|FederickR.|1965|McGraw-Hill||+|Fundamentals of Statistical and Thermal Physics|1|ReifF.|1965|McGraw-Hill||
 |게임 물리|2|Eberly, D. H.|2014|와우북스|| |게임 물리|2|Eberly, D. H.|2014|와우북스||
 |Physics for Game Developers|1|Bourg, D.|2013|한빛미디어, O'Reilly|| |Physics for Game Developers|1|Bourg, D.|2013|한빛미디어, O'Reilly||
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 |Classical Dynamics of Particles and Systems|2|Marion, J. B.|1970|Academic Press|| |Classical Dynamics of Particles and Systems|2|Marion, J. B.|1970|Academic Press||
 |Statistical Mechanics|3|Pathria, R. K. and Beale, P. D.|2011|Academic Press|| |Statistical Mechanics|3|Pathria, R. K. and Beale, P. D.|2011|Academic Press||
-|Statistical Physics of Fields|1|Kardar, M.|2007|Cambridge University Press|| 
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 |Elements of Statistical Mechanics|1|Sachs, I., Sen, S. and Sexton, J.|2006|Cambridge University Press|| |Elements of Statistical Mechanics|1|Sachs, I., Sen, S. and Sexton, J.|2006|Cambridge University Press||
 |Statistical Physics of Particles|1|Kardar, M.|2007|Cambridge University Press|| |Statistical Physics of Particles|1|Kardar, M.|2007|Cambridge University Press||
 +|Statistical Physics of Fields|1|Kardar, M.|2007|Cambridge University Press||
 |Statistical Physics part 1: Landau and Lifshitz Course of Theoretical Physics, Volume 5|3, revised and enlarged|Landau, L. D. and Lifshitz, L. M. (translated from the Russian by Skyes, J. B. and Kearsley, M. J.)|1980|Pergamon Press|| |Statistical Physics part 1: Landau and Lifshitz Course of Theoretical Physics, Volume 5|3, revised and enlarged|Landau, L. D. and Lifshitz, L. M. (translated from the Russian by Skyes, J. B. and Kearsley, M. J.)|1980|Pergamon Press||
 |Statistical Physics part 2: Landau and Lifshitz Course of Theoretical Physics, Volume 9|3, revised and enlarged|Landau, L. D. and Lifshitz, L. M. (translated from the Russian by Skyes, J. B. and Kearsley, M. J.)|1980|Pergamon Press|| |Statistical Physics part 2: Landau and Lifshitz Course of Theoretical Physics, Volume 9|3, revised and enlarged|Landau, L. D. and Lifshitz, L. M. (translated from the Russian by Skyes, J. B. and Kearsley, M. J.)|1980|Pergamon Press||
 |The Entropy Principle: Thermodynamics for the Unsatisfied|1|Thess, A.|2011|Springer|| |The Entropy Principle: Thermodynamics for the Unsatisfied|1|Thess, A.|2011|Springer||
 |Statistical Mechanics: A Concise Introduction for Chemists|1|Widom, B.|2002|Cambridge University Press|| |Statistical Mechanics: A Concise Introduction for Chemists|1|Widom, B.|2002|Cambridge University Press||
-|Quantum Phase Transition|2|Sachdev, S.|2011|Cambridge University Press||+|Quantum Phase Transitions|2|Sachdev, S.|2011|Cambridge University Press||
 |Information Theory and Statics|1|Kullback, S.|1959|Dover Books|| |Information Theory and Statics|1|Kullback, S.|1959|Dover Books||
 |Exactly Solved Models in Statistical Mechanics|1|Baxter, R. J.|2008|Dover Publications|| |Exactly Solved Models in Statistical Mechanics|1|Baxter, R. J.|2008|Dover Publications||
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 |Non-equilibrium Statistical Mechanics and Turbulence|1|Cardy, J., Falkovich, G. and Gawedzki, K.|2008|Cambridge University Press|| |Non-equilibrium Statistical Mechanics and Turbulence|1|Cardy, J., Falkovich, G. and Gawedzki, K.|2008|Cambridge University Press||
 |Statistical Physics of Spin Glasses and Information Processing|reprint|Nishimori, H.|2008|Oxford University Press|| |Statistical Physics of Spin Glasses and Information Processing|reprint|Nishimori, H.|2008|Oxford University Press||
-|Essays in Theoretical Physics in Honour of Dirk ter Haar||Parry, W. E. (ed.)|1984|Pergamon Press|| +|Essays in Theoretical Physics in Honour of Dirk ter Haar| |Parry, W. E. (ed.)|1984|Pergamon Press|| 
-|Statistical Physics of Neural Networks||Huang, Haiping|2021|Springer||+|Statistical Physics of Neural Networks| |Huang, Haiping|2021|Springer|| 
 +|Information, Physics, and Computation| |Mezard, M and Montanari A.|2009|Oxford University Press|| 
 +|The Sherrington-Kirkpatrick Model| |Panchenko, D|2013|Springer|| 
 +|Introduction to Modern Statistical Mechanics| |Chandler, D|1987|Oxford University Press|| 
 +|Stochastic Transport In Complex Systems|1|Schadschneider, A., Chowdhury, D. and Nishinari, K.|2011|ELSEVIER|| 
 +|Statistical Mechanics of Magnetically Ordered Systems| |Izyumov, Yu. A. and Skryabin, Yu. N.|1988|Consultants Bureau||
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 |Sex Allocation|1|West, S.|2009|Princeton University Press|| |Sex Allocation|1|West, S.|2009|Princeton University Press||
 |Theoretical Studies on Sex Ratio Evolution. (MPB-22), Volume 22|1|Karlin, S. and Lessard, S.|1986|Princeton University Press|| |Theoretical Studies on Sex Ratio Evolution. (MPB-22), Volume 22|1|Karlin, S. and Lessard, S.|1986|Princeton University Press||
-|Evolutonary Dynamics|1|Nowak, M. A.|2006|Harvard University Press||+|Evolutionary Dynamics|1|Nowak, M. A.|2006|Harvard University Press||
 |Animal Communication by Pheromones|1|Shorey, H. H.|2013|Academic Press|| |Animal Communication by Pheromones|1|Shorey, H. H.|2013|Academic Press||
 |Diffusion and Ecological Problems:Modern Perspectives|2|Okubo, A. and Levin, S. A.|2010|SPringer|| |Diffusion and Ecological Problems:Modern Perspectives|2|Okubo, A. and Levin, S. A.|2010|SPringer||
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 |Biology Basic 1st|2|박선우|2017|좋은친구들|| |Biology Basic 1st|2|박선우|2017|좋은친구들||
 |생명과학 개론(Concepts in biology)|13|Enger, E. D., Ross, F. C. and Bailey, D. B. (생명과학교재편찬위원회 옮김)|2009|교보문고|| |생명과학 개론(Concepts in biology)|13|Enger, E. D., Ross, F. C. and Bailey, D. B. (생명과학교재편찬위원회 옮김)|2009|교보문고||
-|Principles of Animal Locomotion||Alexander, R. McNeill|2003|Princeton University Press||+|Principles of Animal Locomotion| |Alexander, R. McNeill|2003|Princeton University Press||
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 |공공경제론: 게임이론적 접근|1|김영세|2019|도서출판 청람|| |공공경제론: 게임이론적 접근|1|김영세|2019|도서출판 청람||
 |게임이론 -전략과 정보의 경제학-|8|김영세|2019|박영사|| |게임이론 -전략과 정보의 경제학-|8|김영세|2019|박영사||
-|Evolutionary Games and Population Dynamics||Hofbauer, J. and Sigmund, K.|1998|Cambridge University Press||+|Evolutionary Games and Population Dynamics| |Hofbauer, J. and Sigmund, K.|1998|Cambridge University Press||
 |Statistical Physics and Computational Methods for Evolutionary Game Theory|1|Javarone, M.|2018|Springer|| |Statistical Physics and Computational Methods for Evolutionary Game Theory|1|Javarone, M.|2018|Springer||
 |Modeling Bounded Rationality|1|Rubinstein, A.|1998|The MIT Press|| |Modeling Bounded Rationality|1|Rubinstein, A.|1998|The MIT Press||
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 |Game Theory in Biology|1|McNamara, J. M. and Leimar, O.|2020|Oxford University Press|| |Game Theory in Biology|1|McNamara, J. M. and Leimar, O.|2020|Oxford University Press||
 |The Biology of Moral Systems||Alexander, Richard D.|1987|Aldine de Gruyter|| |The Biology of Moral Systems||Alexander, Richard D.|1987|Aldine de Gruyter||
 +|Public Choice 3|1|Mueller, Dennis C.|2003|Cambridge University Press|연구비도서|
 +|The Raven's Hat: Fallen Pictures, Rising Sequences, and Other Mathematical Games| |Jonas, P. and Nicolai, M.|2021|MIT Press||
 +|Behavioral Game Theory: Experiments in Strategic Interaction|1|Camerer, C. F.|2003|Princeton University Press|
 +|Ruputation: What it is and why it matters|1|Gloria Origgi|2018|Princeton University Press|
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 |Problems in Classical Electromagnetism: 157 Exercises with Solutions|1| Macchi, A., Moruzzi, G. and Pegoraro, F.|2017|Springer|| |Problems in Classical Electromagnetism: 157 Exercises with Solutions|1| Macchi, A., Moruzzi, G. and Pegoraro, F.|2017|Springer||
 |Hecht Optics|2|Hecht, E. and Zajac, A.|1987|Addison Wesley|| |Hecht Optics|2|Hecht, E. and Zajac, A.|1987|Addison Wesley||
 +|전자기학 with MATLAB|2|Lonngren, K. E., Savov, S. V., and Jost, R. J.|2009|홍릉과학출판사||
 +|Computational Electrodynamics: The Finite-Difference Time-Domain Method|3|Taflove, A. and Hagness, S. C.|2005|Artech House||
 +|Electromagnetic Simulation Using the FDTD Method with Python|3|Houle, J. E. and Sullivan, D. M.|2020|Wiley||
 +|Computational Electromagnetics with MATLAB|4|Sadiku, Matthew N.O.|2019|CRC Press||
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 |Mechanics|3|Symon, K. R.|1971|Addison-Wesley|| |Mechanics|3|Symon, K. R.|1971|Addison-Wesley||
 |Classical Mechanics|2|Goldstein, H.|1980|Addison-Wesley|| |Classical Mechanics|2|Goldstein, H.|1980|Addison-Wesley||
 |Solar System Dynamics|1, Reprinted|Murray, C. D. and Dermott, S. F.|2008|Cambridge University Press|| |Solar System Dynamics|1, Reprinted|Murray, C. D. and Dermott, S. F.|2008|Cambridge University Press||
 |Orbital Motion|4|Roy, A.E.|2005|CRC Press|| |Orbital Motion|4|Roy, A.E.|2005|CRC Press||
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 |An Introduction to Celestial Mechanics|Second Revised Edition|Moulton, F. R.|2014|Dover Publications|| |An Introduction to Celestial Mechanics|Second Revised Edition|Moulton, F. R.|2014|Dover Publications||
 |A Student's Guide to Lagrangians and Hamiltonians|1|Hamill, P.|2014|Cambridge University Press|| |A Student's Guide to Lagrangians and Hamiltonians|1|Hamill, P.|2014|Cambridge University Press||
-|Why you hear what you hear||Heller, Eric J.|2013|Princeton University Press||+|Why you hear what you hear| |Heller, Eric J.|2013|Princeton University Press||
 |유체의 물리|2|박혁규|2022|북스힐|| |유체의 물리|2|박혁규|2022|북스힐||
 +|Intermediate Dynamics|2|Hamill, P.|2022|Cambridge University Press||
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 |From Traitor to Zealot|1|Koehler, D.|2022|Cambridge University Press|| |From Traitor to Zealot|1|Koehler, D.|2022|Cambridge University Press||
 |The Stuff of Thought: Language as a Window into Human Nature|1|Pinker, S.|2007|Penguin Books|| |The Stuff of Thought: Language as a Window into Human Nature|1|Pinker, S.|2007|Penguin Books||
 +|복잡계 과학 이야기|1|이재우|2023|자유아카데미||
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 |Chases and Escapes: The Mathematics of Pursuit and Evasion|1|Nahin, Paul J.|2007|Princeton University Press|| |Chases and Escapes: The Mathematics of Pursuit and Evasion|1|Nahin, Paul J.|2007|Princeton University Press||
 |Reasoning About Knowledge|paperback|Fagin, R., Halpern, J., Moses, Y., and Vardi, M. Y.|1995|The MIT Press|| |Reasoning About Knowledge|paperback|Fagin, R., Halpern, J., Moses, Y., and Vardi, M. Y.|1995|The MIT Press||
 +|Management Between Strategy and Finance (The Four Seasons of Business)|1|Schwenker, B. and Spremann, K.|2009|Springer|주문한 책이 아닌데 배송된 책|
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  • 실험실/도서_목록.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/08/01 14:53
  • by admin