Table of Contents

프로이트 <꿈의 해석> 중

In the following pages I shall demonstrate that there is a psychological technique which makes it possible to interpret dreams, and that on the application of this technique every dream will reveal itself as a psychological structure, full of significance, and one which may be assigned to a specific place in the psychic activities of the waking state. Further, I shall endeavor to elucidate the processes which underlie the strangeness and obscurity of dreams, and to deduce from these processes the nature of the psychic forces whose conflict or cooperation is responsible for our dreams.

피터 메다워 <젊은 과학도에게 드리는 조언> (박준우 역)

러셀의 '회의론적 에세이'의 첫 문단을 들어 “이보다 더 분명하고, 날카롭고, 간결한 글을 상상하기는 어렵다”고 하고 있다. 아래가 러셀의 원문이다.

I wish to propose for the reader's favourable consideration a doctrine which may, I fear, appear wildly paradoxical and subversive. The doctrine in question is this: that it is undesirable to believe a proposition when there is no ground whatever for supposing it true. I must, of course, admit that if such an opinion became common it would completely transform our social life and our political system; since both are at present faultless, this must weigh against it. I am also aware (what is more serious) that it would tend to diminish the incomes of clairvoyants, bookmakers, bishops and others who live on the irrational hopes of those who have done nothing to deserve good fortune here or hereafter. In spite of these grave arguments, I maintain that a case can be made out for my paradox, and I shall try to set it forth.

Mankiw의 조언


논문 쓰는 방법, 서울대학교 심리학과 최인철 교수님

a, an, and the

Ten simple rules for structuring papers

생산성을 높이는 비결

because 앞의 쉼표

Jakub Marian의 Most Common Mistakes in English(2014) 에서는 because 앞에 대개 쉼표를 쓰지 않으며 쓸 경우 그 이유가 부차적임을 암시한다고 말하고 있다. 단, 앞에 나오는 주절이 부정문일 경우 의미의 혼동을 막기 위해 쉼표를 사용하는 것을 추천한다. 즉 “… 때문에 하지 않았다” (하지 않음)와 “… 때문에 한 것은 아니다” (하기는 했음) 사이의 혼동인데, 쉼표를 적으면 전자의 의미만을 가지게 된다.