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제목저자출판 연도출판사비고
책임의 원칙:기술 시대의 생태학적 윤리1Hans, J. (이진우 옮김)1994서광사
The Imperative of Responsibility1Hans, J.2007Chicago University Press
면역에 관하여1율라 비스 (김명남 옮김)2016열린책들
도덕의 기원1마이클 토마셀로 (유강은 옮김)2018이데아
Social Perception and Social Reality1Lee J.2012Oxford University Press
도덕에 관하여3, revised데이비드 흄 (이준호 옮김)2008서광사
Convention: A Philosophical StudyreprintLewis, David2002Blackwell Publishing
부정변증법1테오도르 아도르노 (홍승용 옮김)1999한길사
부정변증법 강의1테오도르 아도르노 (이순예 옮김)2012세창출판사
Clean Code1로버트 C. 마틴 (박재호, 이해영 옮김)2013인사이트
기계 학습을 다시 묻다1레슬리 밸리언트 (이광근 옮김)2021인사이트
알고리즘, 인생을 계산하다1브라이언 크리스천, 톰 그리피스 (이한음 옮김)2018청림출판
Polarized: Making Sense of a Divided America1James, E. and Campbell2018Princeton University Press
Polarization: What Everyone Needs to Know®1McCarty, Nolan2019Oxford University Press
Differential Games1Rufus, I.1999DoverPublications
Fundamentals of Statistical and Thermal Physics1Federick, R.1965McGraw-Hill
게임 물리2Eberly, D. H.2014와우북스
Physics for Game Developers1Bourg, D.2013한빛미디어, O'Reilly
Game Physics Engine Development2Millinton, L.2010CRC Press
Classical Dynamics of Particles and Systems2Marion, J. B.1970Academic Press
Statistical Mechanics3Pathria, R. K. and Beale, P. D.2011Academic Press
Statistical Physics of Fields1Kardar, M.2007Cambridge University Press


제목저자출판 연도출판사비고
Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Molecular SimulationillustratedTuckerman, M. E.2010Oxford University Press
Theory of Simple Glasses: Exact Solutions in Infinite Dimensions1Parisi, G., Urbani, P., and Zamponi, F.2020Cambridge University Press
열물리학 (An Introduction to Thermal Physics)1Schrodeder, D. V. (국형태 옮김)2021교문사 (Pearson Education)
相轉移와 臨界現象 (상전이와 임계현상)1김두철1983민음사2권
비평형과 상전이, 메조스케일의 통계물리학1가와자키 쿄지(川崎 恭治) (이호섭, 김봉수 옮김)2002청문각
Field Theory of Non-Equilibrium Systems1Kamenev, A.2011Cambridge University Press
Statistical Mechanics of Nonequilibrium Liquids1Evans, D. J. and Morris, G. P.2007ANU E Press
Monte Carlo Methods in Statistical Physicsillustrated, reprintNewman, M. E. J. and Barkema, G. T.1999Oxford University Press2권
Stochastic Methods:A Handbook for the Natural and Social Siences4Gardiner, C.2009Springer
Stochastic Processes in Physics and Chemistry3Kampen, N.G.v.2007ELSEVIER
Quantum Monte Carlo Methods: Algorithms for Lattice Models1Gubernatis, J., Kawashima, N. and Werner, P.2016Cambridge University Press
Modern Theory of Critical Phenomena1Ma, S.-K.2000Westview Press
Lectures On Phase Transitions And The Renormalization Group1Goldenfeld, N.1992CRC Press
Instabilities and Fronts in Extended Systems1Collet, P. and Eckmann, J.-P.1990Princeton University Press
A Kinetic View of Statistical Physics1Krapivsky, P. L., Redner, S. and Naim-Ben, E.2010Cambridge University Press
Renomalization Methods: A Guide for Beginners1McCOMB, W. D.2004Oxford University Press
The Theory of Open Quantum Systems1Breuer, H.-P.2007Oxford University Press, USA
Univariate Discrete Distributions3Johnson, N. L., Kemp, A. W. and Kotz, S.2005Wiley-Interscience
A Guide to Feynman Diagrams in the Many-Body Problem2Mattuck, R. D.1992Dover Pubns
Fundamentals of Statistical and Thermal Physics (Solutions)Reif, F.
Fundamentals of Statistical and Thermal Physics1Reif, F.1965McGraw-Hill
Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics1Greiner, W., Neise, L. and Stöcker, H.1995Springer
Concepts in Thermal Physics2Blundell, S. J. and Blundell, K. M.2009Oxford University Press
An Introduction to Statistical Mechanics and Thermodynamics1Swendsen, R. H.2012Oxford University Press
Thermodynamics and an Introduction to Thermostatics2Callen, H. B.1985John Wiley & Sons
Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics: An Integrated Approach1Hardy, R. J. and Binek, C.2014Wiley
An Introduction to Thermal Physics1Schroeder, D. V.1999Pearson
Introductory Statistical Mechanics2Bowley, R. and Sanchez, M.2000Oxford University Press
An Introduction to Statistical ThermodynamicsunknownHill, T. L.1987Dover Publications
Elements of Statistical Mechanics1Sachs, I., Sen, S. and Sexton, J.2006Cambridge University Press
Statistical Physics of Particles1Kardar, M.2007Cambridge University Press
Statistical Physics part 1: Landau and Lifshitz Course of Theoretical Physics, Volume 53, revised and enlargedLandau, L. D. and Lifshitz, L. M. (translated from the Russian by Skyes, J. B. and Kearsley, M. J.)1980Pergamon Press
Statistical Physics part 2: Landau and Lifshitz Course of Theoretical Physics, Volume 93, revised and enlargedLandau, L. D. and Lifshitz, L. M. (translated from the Russian by Skyes, J. B. and Kearsley, M. J.)1980Pergamon Press
The Entropy Principle: Thermodynamics for the Unsatisfied1Thess, A.2011Springer
Statistical Mechanics: A Concise Introduction for Chemists1Widom, B.2002Cambridge University Press
Quantum Phase Transitions2Sachdev, S.2011Cambridge University Press
Information Theory and Statics1Kullback, S.1959Dover Books
Exactly Solved Models in Statistical Mechanics1Baxter, R. J.2008Dover Publications
Statistical Field Theory: An Introduction to Exactly Solved Models in Statistical Physics1Mussardo, G.2010Oxford University Press
Statistical and Thermal Physics with Computer Applications6.1.2010Gould, H. and Tobochnik, J.2010Princeton University Press
Spin Glass Theory And Beyond: An Introduction To The Replica Method And Its Applications1Mezard, M., Parisi, G. and Virasoro, M. A.1987World Scientific Publishing Company
Phase Transitions and Renormalization Group1Zinn-Justin, J.2013Oxford University Press
Field Theory, the Renormalization Group, and Critical Phenomena3Amit, D. J., Martin-Mayor, V.2005World Scientific Pub Co Inc
Quantum Field Theory and Critical Phenomena4Zinn-Justin, J.2002Clarendon Press
Scaling and Renormalization in Statistical Physicsillustrated, reprintCardy, J.1996Cambridge University Press
Series Expansion Methods for Strongly Interacting Lattice ModelsReissueOitmaa, J.2010Cambridge University Press
The Theory of Critical Phenomena an Introduction to be the Renormalization Group1Binney, J. J., Dowrick, N. J., Fisher, A. J. and Newman, M. E. J.1992Oxford University Press
Quantum Noise3Gardiner, C. and Zoller, P.2010Springer
Critical Dynamics: A Field Theory Approach to Equilibrium and Non-Equilibrium Scaling BehaviorillustratedTäuber, Uwe C.2014Cambridge University Press
Nonlinear Time Series Analysis2Kantz, H. and Schreiber, T.2004Cambridge University Press
The Fokker-Planck Equation: Methods of Solution and Applications2Risken, H. and Frank, T.2012Springer
Equilibirum Statistical Physics2Plischke, M. and Bergersen, B.1994World Scientific Publishing Company
Elements of the Random Walk: An introduction for Advanced Students Rand Researchers1Rudnick, J. and Gaspari, G.2010Cambridge University Press
The Langevin Equation: With Applications to Stochastic Problems in Physics, Chemistry, and Electrical Engineering2Coffey, W. T., Kalmykov, Yu. P. and Waldron, J. T.2004World Scientific Publishing Company
Statistical Physics for Biological Matter1Sung, W.2018Springer
Quantum Spin Glasses, Annealing and Computation1Tanaka, S., Tamura, R. and Chakrabarti, B. K.2017Cambridge University Press
Computational Statistical Physics1Boettcher, L., Herrmann, H. J.2021Cambridge University Press
Statistical Mechanics1Ma, S.-K.1985World Scientific
Statistical Mechanics: Entropy, Order Parameters, and Complexity2Sethna, J. P.2021Oxford University Press
Glassy Materials and Disordered SolidsRevisedBinder, K. and Kob, W.2011World Scientific
Spin Glasses1Fischer, K. H. and Hertz, J. A.1991Cambridge University Press
Non-equilibrium Statistical Mechanics and Turbulence1Cardy, J., Falkovich, G. and Gawedzki, K.2008Cambridge University Press
Statistical Physics of Spin Glasses and Information ProcessingreprintNishimori, H.2008Oxford University Press
Essays in Theoretical Physics in Honour of Dirk ter HaarParry, W. E. (ed.)1984Pergamon Press
Statistical Physics of Neural NetworksHuang, Haiping2021Springer
Information, Physics, and ComputationMezard, M and Montanari A.2009Oxford University Press
The Sherrington-Kirkpatrick ModelPanchenko, D2013Springer
Introduction to Modern Statistical MechanicsChandler, D1987Oxford University Press
Stochastic Transport In Complex Systems1Schadschneider, A., Chowdhury, D. and Nishinari, K.2011ELSEVIER


제목저자출판 연도출판사비고
Chaos in Dynamical Systems2Ott, E.2002Cambridge University Press
카오스와 비선형동역학1문희태2001서울대학교 출판부
Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos2Strogatz, S. H.1994Westview Press


제목저자출판 연도출판사비고
Evolution and Selection of Quantitative Traits1Walsh, B. and Lynch M.2018Oxford University Press
Evolutionillustrated, 2Bergstrom, C. T.2016W. W. Norton & Company도서관귀속
Comparative Biomechanics: Life's Physical World2Vogel, S.2013Princeton University Press
생명의 수리1Iwasa, Y. (김윤진 외 7명 옮김)2011경문사
수리생물학 입문1Linda J. S. A. (오춘영, 강용한, 장성각 옮김)2014교우사
수리생물학 : 개체군 동태의 수리모델링 입문1Seno, H. (김용국, 이성림, 이정민 옮김)2017경문사
An Introduction to Systems Biology: Design Principles of Biological Circuits1Alon, U.2007CRC Press
Coalescent Theory: An Introduction1Wakeley, J.2008W. H. Freeman
Branching ProcessesRenewedAthreya, K. B. and Ney, P. E.2004Dover Publications
Sex Ratios: Concepts and Research Methods1Hardy, I. C. W.(Editor)2002Cambridge University Press
Mathematical Biology I: An IntroductionMurray, J. D.2002Springer
Mathematical Biology II: Spatial Models and Biomedical Applications1Murray, J. D.2003Springer
Choosing Sexes: Mechanisms and Adaptive Patterns of Sex Allocation in Vertebrates1Navara, K. J.2018Springer
The 7 Sexes: Biology of Sex DeterminationIllustratedCarlson, E. A.2013Indiana University Press
Genomic Imprinting And Kinship1Haig, D.2002Rutgers University Press
The Theory of Sex Allocation. (MPB-18), Volume 181Charnov, E. L.1982Princeton University Press
Sex Allocation1West, S.2009Princeton University Press
Theoretical Studies on Sex Ratio Evolution. (MPB-22), Volume 221Karlin, S. and Lessard, S.1986Princeton University Press
Evolutionary Dynamics1Nowak, M. A.2006Harvard University Press
Animal Communication by Pheromones1Shorey, H. H.2013Academic Press
Diffusion and Ecological Problems:Modern Perspectives2Okubo, A. and Levin, S. A.2010SPringer
The Unified Neutral Theory of Biodiversity and Biogeography 1Hubbell, S. P.2001Princeton University Press
Island Epidemics (Oxford Geographical and Environmental Studies Series)1 Cliff, A. D., Haggett, P. and Smallman-Raynor, M. R. 2006Oxford University Press
수리 생물학 입문 : 생물사회의 다이나믹스를 탐구한다2 (개정판)Iwasa, Y. (김윤진 외 역)2011부산대학교출판부
Genes in Conflict1Burt, A. and Trivers, R.2008Harvard Univsersity Press
Biology Basic 1st2박선우2017좋은친구들
생명과학 개론(Concepts in biology)13Enger, E. D., Ross, F. C. and Bailey, D. B. (생명과학교재편찬위원회 옮김)2009교보문고
Principles of Animal LocomotionAlexander, R. McNeill2003Princeton University Press


제목저자출판 연도출판사비고
Economics and Computation: An Introduction to Algorithmic Game Theory, Computational Social Choice, and Fair DivisionillustratedRothe, J.2015Springer
The Theory of Learning in GamesreprintFundenberg, D. and Levine, D. K.1998The MIT Press
GAME THEORY: A critical text2Heap, S. P. H. and Varoufakis, Y.2004ROUTLEDGE
Evolutionary Game Theory1Weibull, J. W.1997MIT Press
Theories of Distributive Justice1Roemer, J. E.1998Havard University Press
The Theory of Games1Wang, J.1988Clarendon Press
Game Theory1Fudenberg, D. and Tirole, J.1991The MIT Press
Individual Strategy and Social Structure: An Evolutionary Theory of Institutions1Young, H. P.2001Princeton University Press
Game Theory And Mechanism Design1Narahari, Y.2014World Scientific
Algorithmic Game Theory1Nisan, N., Roughgarden, T., Tardos, E. and Vazirani, V. V.2007Cambridge University Press
공공경제론: 게임이론적 접근1김영세2019도서출판 청람
게임이론 -전략과 정보의 경제학-8김영세2019박영사
Evolutionary Games and Population DynamicsHofbauer, J. and Sigmund, K.1998Cambridge University Press
Statistical Physics and Computational Methods for Evolutionary Game Theory1Javarone, M.2018Springer
Modeling Bounded Rationality1Rubinstein, A.1998The MIT Press
ConventionReissuedLewis, D.2002Blackwell Publishing
Rethinking the Good1Temkin, L. S.2012Oxford University Press
Evolutionary Games in Natural, Social, and Virtual Worlds1Friedman, D. and Sinervo, B.2016Cambridge University Press
Game Theory in Biology1McNamara, J. M. and Leimar, O.2020Oxford University Press
The Biology of Moral SystemsAlexander, Richard D.1987Aldine de Gruyter
Public Choice 31Mueller, Dennis C.2003Cambridge University Press연구비도서
The Raven's Hat: Fallen Pictures, Rising Sequences, and Other Mathematical GamesJonas, P. and Nicolai, M.2021MIT Press

수리물리학 / 전산물리학

제목저자출판 연도출판사비고
Physical Mathematics2Cahill, K.2019Cambridge University Press
Physical Mathematics1Cahill, K.2013Cambridge University Press
Introduction to Mathematical Physics: Methods & Concepts2Chun, W. w.2013Oxford University Press
Mathematical Methods in the Physical Sciences3Boas, M. L.2005Wiley
Mathematical Methods for Students of Physics and Related Fields2Hassani, S.2009Springer
수리물리학7Arfken, G. B., Weber, H. J. and Harris, F. E. (이지우 감수, 강지훈 외 7명 옮김)2020청문각
Group Theory in Physics1Tung, W.1985World Scientific Publishing Company
제목저자출판 연도출판사비고
Numerical Recipes: The art of scientific computing3Press, W.H., Teukolsky, S.A., Vetterling, W.T. and Flannery, B.P.2007Cambridge University Press
Computational Physics1Newman, M.E.J.2012CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
An Introduction to Kolmogorov Complexity and Its Applications2Li, M. and Vitányi, P.1997Springer
Modeling ExtinctionillustratedNewman, M.E.J. and Palmer, R.G.2003Oxford University Press
Introduction to Random Matrices Theory and Practice1Livan, G., Novaes, M. and Vivo, P.2018Springer
Statistical Network Analysis: Models, Issues, and New Directions1Airoldi, E. M.2007Springer도서관귀속
Meshfree Approximation Methods with MATLABillustrated, reprintFasshauer, G. E.2007World Scientific
Introduction to Computational Social Science Principles and Applications2Cioffi-Revilla, C.2017Springer
게임 개발자를 위한 물리2데이비드 버그, 브라이언 비발레츠2015한빛미디어
게임 물리2Eberly, D. H.2014와우북스
Game Physics Engine Development2Millinton, L.2010CRC Press
전산물리학1김범준, 박혜진, 손승우, 이미진, 정우성2022교문사


제목저자출판 연도출판사비고
Classical Electrodynamics3Jackson, J. D.1998Willey
Electromagnetic Fields and Energy1Haus, H. A., Melcher, J. R.1989Prentice Hall
Introduction to Special RelativityReprinted, 2Rindler, W.2003Oxford Science Publications
Foundations of Electromagnetic Theory4Reitz, J. R., Milford, F. J., Christy, R. W.2008Addison-Wesley
기초전자기학4Griffiths, D. J. (김진승 역)2019북스힐
General Relativity: An Introduction for Physicists7th printHobson, M. P., Efstathiou, G. P. and Lasenby, A. N.2013Cambridge University Press
Relativity, Gravitation and Cosmology: A Basic Introductionillustrated, reprintCheng, T.-P.2013Oxford
Special Relativity (Springer Undergraduate Mathematics Series)illustratedWoodhouse, N.M.J.2012Springer
Special Relativity: An Introduction with 200 Problems and SolutionsillustratedTsamparlis, M.2010Springer
Modern Electrodynamics1Zangwill, A.2012Cambridge University Press
Electromagnetism: Paths to Research1982ndTeplitz, D.1982Plenum Press
Classical Electromagnetic Radiation3 Heald, M. A. and Marion, J. B. 2012Dover Publications
Electromagnetic Radiation1 Freeman, R. R., King, J. A. and Lafyatis, G. P. 2019Oxford University Press
Problems in Classical Electromagnetism: 157 Exercises with Solutions1 Macchi, A., Moruzzi, G. and Pegoraro, F.2017Springer
Hecht Optics2Hecht, E. and Zajac, A.1987Addison Wesley

양자역학 / 고전역학

제목저자출판 연도출판사비고
Modern Quantum MechanicsRevisedSakurai, J. J. (Edited by Tuan, S. F.)1994Addison-Wesley
Non-Hermitian Quantum Mechanics1Moiseyev, N.2011Cambridge University Press
Pt Symmetry: In Quantum And Classical Physics1Carl M. B.2018World Scientific Publishing
Quantum Mechanics and Path Integrals: Emended Edition (Dover Books on Physics) Emended Feynman, R. P., Hibbs, A. R. and Styer, D. F.2010Dover Publications
Quantum Field Theory1Srednicki, M.2007Cambridge University Press
Quantum Field Theory for the Gifted Amateur1Lancaster, T. and Blundell, S. J.2014Oxford University Press
Quantum Theory: Concepts and Methods1995edPeres, A.1995Kluwer Academic Publishers
Quantum Optics1Agarwal, G. S.2012Cambridge University Press
Conceptual Physics8Hewitt, P. G.1998Addison Wesley
Practicing Physics Conceptual Physics Ninth Edition9Hewitt, P. G.2002Addison-Wesley
Concepts of Modern Physics (International Edition)6Beiser, A.2003McGraw-Hill Education
제목저자출판 연도출판사비고
No-Nonsense Classical Mechanics: A student-friendly introduction1Schwichtenberg, J.2020no-nonsense books
Mechanics3Symon, K. R.1971Addison-Wesley
Classical Mechanics2Goldstein, H.1980Addison-Wesley
Solar System Dynamics1, ReprintedMurray, C. D. and Dermott, S. F.2008Cambridge University Press
Orbital Motion4Roy, A.E.2005CRC Press
Modern Astrodynamics2Wiesel, W. E.2010Aphelion Press
An Introduction to Celestial MechanicsSecond Revised EditionMoulton, F. R.2014Dover Publications
A Student's Guide to Lagrangians and Hamiltonians1Hamill, P.2014Cambridge University Press
Why you hear what you hearHeller, Eric J.2013Princeton University Press
유체의 물리2박혁규2022북스힐
Intermediate Dynamics2Hamill, P.2022Cambridge University Press


제목저자출판 연도출판사비고
Hydrodynamics and Nonlinear Instabilities1Godrèche, C. and Manneville, P.1998Cambridge University Press
Pattern Formation in Granular Materials1Ristow, G. H.2000Springer
Basic Concepts for Simple and Complex Liquids1Barrat, J.-L. and Hansen, J.-P.2014Cambridge University Press
Solid State Physics1Ashcroft, N. W. and Mermin, N. D.Cengage Learning2003
Introduction to Solid State Physics6Kittel, C.1986John Wiley & Sons, Inc.
Principles of Condensed Matter Physics1Chaikin, P. M. and Lubensky, T. C.2000Cambridge University Press
Field Theories of Condensed Matter Physics2Fradkin, E.2013Cambridge University Press
The Oxford Solid State Basics1Simon, S. H.2013Oxford University Press, USA


제목저자출판 연도출판사비고
으뜸 파이썬1박동규, 강영민2020생능출판파이썬 기초
시간순삭 파이썬1천인국, 정영민, 최자영2020생능출판파이썬 기초
두근두근 파이썬1천인국2017생능출판파이썬 기초
Python Machine Learning1Raschka, S.2015Packt Publishing - ebooks Account
Reinforcement Learning: an Introduction2Sutton, R. S. and Barto, A. G.2018The MIT Press
Applied Missing Data Analysis (Methodology in the Social Sciences)1Enders, C. K.2010The Guilford Press
Bayesian Logical Data Analysis for the Physical Sciences1Gregory, P.2005Cambridge University Press
Bayesian Probability Theory: Applications in the Physical Sciences1von der Linden, W., Dose, V. and von Toussaint, U.2014Cambridge University Press
Head First Programming:파이썬으로 처음 배우는 프로그래밍1Barry, P., Griffiths, D., 강권학 옮김2014O'Reily, 한빛미디어
Annotated Algorithms in Python with Applications in Physics, Biology, and Finance1Dr. Pierro, M. D.2013Experts4Solutions
패턴 인식과 머신 러닝1Bishop, C. (김형진 옮김)2018제이펍
딥러닝 첫걸음1김성필2016한빛미디어
밑바닥부터 시작하는 딥러닝(Deep Learning from Scratch)1사이토 고키(齋藤 康毅) (개앞맵시 옮김)2017O'Reily, 한빛미디어
AI Game Programming Wisdom 21Rabin, S. (류광 옮김)2005정보문화사
Effective awk Programming: Universal Text Processing and Pattern Matching4Robbins, A.2015O'Reilly Media

Research Tips

제목저자출판 연도출판사비고
How to Write a Lot: A Practical Guide to Productive Academic Writing2Silvia, P. J.2019American Psychological Association
How to Write a Scientific Paper: An Academic Self-Help Guide for PhD Students1Saramäki, J.2018Amazon Digital Services LLC
The Great Book of American Idioms: A Dictionary of American Idioms, Sayings, Expressions & Phrases1Lingo Lingo Mastery2019Lingo Mastery
90 Days, 90 Ways: Inspiration, Tips & Strategies for Academic Writers1Goodson, P., Beigi, M. and Shirmohammadi, M.2020Amazon Digital Services LLC
The Art of Readable Code1Boswell, D. and Foucher, T.2011O'Reilly 김민재 대출
Science Research Writing for Non-Native Speakers of English1Glasman-Deal, H.2010World Scientific
박사학위로는 부족하다 - 과학도를 위한 생존전략1Feibelman, P. J. (최경호 옮김)2002북스힐
Who Knows? A Study of Religious Consciousness1Smullyan, R.2003Indiana University Press
Letters to a Young Scientist1Wilson, E. O.2013Liveright
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